Staff Shout Outs

Last Update

Let's celebrate some co-workers!
This plugin is my answer to, "How can we eliminate our current carbon-paper-based system of staff officially praising other staff?"
Like a good vibes log for staff... with email notifications.


  • Link off the admin/teacher home called "My Staff Shout Outs" that is the central hub to create new Shout Outs and view all the Shout Outs you have sent/received. In the new navigation the admin link can be found in People > Staff.
  • Email notification to the recipient includes the shout out itself. No need to login to PS.
  • "Staff Shout Out List" report in System Reports for school leaders to check things out. Includes a random picker to facilitate prize giveaways!
  • Optional "Highlights" block so everyone can see recent good vibes being shared among staff.
  • Fully translatable.
  • Many options to customize the plugin in District > Staff Shout Outs Settings. In the new navigation, District Management > District Setup > Staff Shout Outs Settings.


  • Allow Shout Outs between all staff in the district, or within the same school?
  • Allow entering Shout Outs for staff without an email address?
  • Allow the Shout Out date to be modified?
  • Allow users to edit/delete Shout Outs they have sent?
  • Allow users to send Shout Outs anonymously?
  • Maximum character length for a Shout Out.
  • Subject for Shout Out email messages.
  • Enable Shout Outs for specific schools.
  • Custom guidelines for staff entering a Shout Out.
  • Option to turn on the "Highlights" block, how many entries to show, and how many weeks back to consider.


After installing the plugin, go to the Staff Shout Outs Settings page and edit options as you like.
You may also want to set page permissions on System Reports > Staff Shout Out List.
Note: The email notifications will use the recipient's email_addr field, and your PowerSchool's default from address for sending system-generated email.


Version History

1.3 - Reworked how line breaks save in shout outs. Which in turn fixed a bug causing both email and display trouble. 
1.2.2 - Fixed a bug preventing the "My Staff Shout Outs" link from displaying in the new navigation.
1.2.1 - Was able to hide the My Staff Shout Outs page in the new nav for any unchecked schools. Thank you Eric!
1.2 - Support for the "Enhanced Navigation" in PS 23.5. Must be on on PS version 22.5 or later to install.
1.1 - Added the highlights option. Fixed a display bug that occurred if guidelines were not entered. Fixed the anonymous option not showing when editing. Other minor improvements.
1.0 - Initial release.

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