My two pet ulcers called August and September

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Just like that, we are in the thick of it my edu-techie friends.

Well, it's like my old teacher Mr. Payne would say, "Men! Fifty of you are leaving on a mission. Twenty-five of you ain't coming back."
Someone out there is getting this reference.

All right, all right, all right. Couple new plugin versions:

Class Roster Auto-Loader version 3.2
Had to refactor a bunch of stuff so the "fields" links on the class roster report page work correctly. The plugin is now fully translatable as well.

Today's Bus Notes version 2.0
Major overhaul. This plugin had not seen any love in awhile. Cleaned up a lot. Made it so adding/editing of notes happens in a drawer dialog. Previous notes, no longer go on for days. Plugin is now fully translatable. Even changed the bus icon in PowerTeacher so it blended better.
I'm also giving away a 2nd optional plugin which contains a PowerQuery DAT, so you can get a student's bus notes for today on quick exports, list students, object reports, etc.
Why is it a separate plugin you ask? You will have to ask the PowerSchool developers why you can't include a PowerQuery in the same plugin that creates the database extensions you want to query.

Summer Time Rolls

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May your summer projects be completed on time, on budget, and bug-free.

Today I am serving up a new version of the Instant Family Reps plugin
The plugin is now fully translatable via PowerSchool's localization features. 
And it includes a handy little "siblings alert" option. See the plugin page for full details.

I do plan on making all my plugins translatable as they are getting other feature highlights. 
It is just a matter of time. Precious little time.

Roll on summer, roll on...

Better late than never... or is it?

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Attention those using the IARrific or IARrific + ACCESS plugins!

A lot changed with the 24.3 state reporting update in terms of IAR. 

  • Science accommodations were added (even though they are not labeled ISA).
  • Some of the field names for ELA/Math were changed (even though... what? why?).
  • The IAR Pre-ID tab added some accommodation validation (even though I still like mine better).

It took me a good chunk of spring break, but I have the IARrific stuff updated to reflect these changes.
Also updated some of my validation scripts and added a note that shows when you select the Read Aloud accommodation about it needing a separate session in PAN (thanks for the idea Rich).
Please makes sure you are running IL state reporting version 24.3+ before updating to version 2.0 of either plugin.

Now the big question is, will any of this effort matter in a year when IL decides to move ISA off of PAN?