The Legend of SUMBIT


On May 3rd, 2018 Eric misspelled the word "Submit" while presenting to a bunch of code monkeys.
The result was comedy gold.



"PS [case] tag?! Well I'll be a sumbit!"
"Well, what bit do you want?" "I don't know, sumbit."
What I learned at PSUG Advanced? That Eric was the first sumbit to do a rear join
I'd like to start a fund made up of all the cryptocurrencies. I'll call it sumBitCoin
That Sumbit rode me like a pony!!!!!!
That apiService is one nice sumbit.
this sumbit tried to teach me seekwull at PSUG SE. I got home and tried to write me one of them kweerees... i couldn't get no data.
<!-- That sumbit is great at coding, but bad at proofing them easy words-->
You miss one keystroke and this sumbit dedicates a website to your blunder
Your frosted tips used to be dyed