Did you watch all of Mr. Robot Season 4?

Posted Sometime in
Not much to report. Feel like I should be putting more effort into this site and stuff.
I am updating the version of PHP it runs on. That is something right?
Oh hey! There is a new version of the Awesome Report Queue. Added a couple feature requests.
1. The "completed" links open in their own tab.
2. There is a column showing what school a report was run under.

I Triple-Dog-Dare You!

Posted Sometime in
Its the happiest time of the year! A time of joy, reflection, gift giving....
And reviewing the Spring 2020 Student Registration/ Personal Needs Profile Field Definitions for IAR of course!
Luckily not much has changed since last year.
Xmas miracle!
But I went through the listed validations with a fine toothed comb and updated the IARific plugin as necessary.
A couple of the math accommodations state that a student can be either marked EL OR be participating in a dual language program. So I updated those to look at both the IL_LEP and S_IL_STU_X.Dual_Language fields for validation.

Hope Santa treats you good this year.
Every year I look a bit more like St. Nick.


Just take those old records off the shelf

Posted Sometime in
Well look at that, the official (unofficial?) oldest PS customization on the internet has a new version.
John pointed out that my Awesome Report Q does not cover the ReportWorks queue.
Well now it does.

And hey, if your in Illinois why not attend the fall PSUG-IL meeting on November 8th.
Signup on PSUGIL.org.