PLEASE READ: The IAR/ISA part of this plugin is a temporary solution that repurposes IAR/ISA state fields from previous years to store accommodations for the new 2025 Illinois Administration Platform until PowerSchool state reporting becomes available. The accommodations are a bit different between PAN and the new Illinois Administration Platform. Therefore I did have to create 12 new fields, in addition to using some of the state fields.
From what I understand, the state reporting updating coming around the end of February will include new fields, new student screen, and new report for recording/uploading. But my district will be testing by then. If your district is in the same position, feel free to us this plugin.
This plugin version includes a report called IAR/ISA Accommodations Upload 2025 which is linked at the bottom of the Data and Reporting > Reports > Compliance Reports page.
I've done my best to make sure that the CSV files generated from this report upload correctly into the Illinois Administration Platform/ADAMexam system.
If you are in Illinois and participate in IAR testing... You most likely also participate in ACCESS 2.0 testing.
So why not track accommodations for both tests on a single student screen.
This plugin includes all the bells and whistles of IARrific PLUS has a section at the bottom of the student screen to track ACCESS 2.0 accommodations.
The ACCESS section is only made available if a student is marked both LEP (S_IL_STU_X.LEP) and either IEP (S_IL_STU_X.IEP) or 504 (S_IL_STU_Plan504_X.Participant).
IAR accommodations are (mostly) state fields uploaded to ADAM. ACCESS accommodations however are not state fields. So the plugin will create the fields as database extensions under the table U_ACCESS_ACCOM.
If you have the SQLreports plugin installed I also have a SQLreport template below (updated for the 24-25 import format on 12/27/24) you can import and use to generate the .csv file needed to mass update accommodations in WIDA/AMS.
New in version 3.1: Added the option to have teachers edit accommodations. This is off by default. You can turn it on by going to District Management > District Setup > Additional System Preferences. Also on this screen, you can decide if teachers should have the ability to set “Alternative Assessment Indicator (DLM-AA)”.
*** You must have the or later state reporting update installed before updating to version 3.0 of this plugin! ***
Post Install Setup:
- Set page permissions on the new IAR/ISA/DLM/ACCESS student screen so only those groups editing/viewing IAR/ACCESS test info can access it (optional but encouraged).
- Optionally turn on editing in the teacher portal by going to District Management > District Setup > Additional System Preferences.
- The SQLreport template can be imported if you have the SQLreports plugin installed by going to Data and Reporting > Reports > SQLreports. Click the Import a New sqlReport link and copy/paste in everything from the template file.
Attachment | Size |
---|---| | 28.92 KB |
ACCESS_Accom_sqlReport_6_1.txt | 6.86 KB |