This is why I don't blog, or facebook, or twitter

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Long time no post. This district of mine has been keeping me busy. Almost as much as my growing family!
That's right... GROWING. Baby number 2 should be arriving in April!
So please contact me if you have a double-stroller you'd like to donate to the cause.

Enough about me. Let's talk about you...
Are you looking to learn the basics of customizing PowerSchool?
Are you looking to work on your cutomization projects in a peaceful supportive lab environment?
Do you live in the Chicagoland area?

I'm running/hosting a morning customization basics session and an afternoon customizations lab at my school district.
If your in the area, you can signup for both sessions at the Illinois PowerSchool Users Group website (

On another note, if you have upgraded to PS and your using my Login Notes customization, please go install the latest version (1.5).
It had to be tweaked a bit so the parent portal notes would show up.

A Midsummer Break's Dream

Posted Sometime in

Hope everyone's summer is going well. Mine has been a wirlwind of exciting projects. Wireless upgrade, new servers, web development,  a massive iPad 1-1 deployment and potty training (for Zoe that is).

Now that PowerSchool 7.8 is out (and what a great update) I had to update a few of these customizations.
If your using any of the following you will want these new pages. Especially if your using Login Notes!
All can be found in the PowerSchool section.

  • The Big Registration Screen v4.3
  • Instant Family Reps v3.1
  • Login Notes v1.2
  • No More Mailto v1.2

PowerSchool + Google = Yeah, us too

Posted Sometime in

See my Zoe on the left?
That was her reaction when I told her daddy wrote a script so teachers can transfer student records from PowerTeacher into their Google contacts.
You too can shock unwitting children with the freshly minted Google Contacts Mover customization for PowerSchool.
Another tasty treat from my family to yours.