Just like Rodney Dangerfield

Posted Sometime in

Back to School!

Tommorow I'm leaving my two adorable girls to get educated at PowerSchool University in our nation's capitol.

Thank you to VAlorie for pointing out the PowerSchool Downloads on this site where having trouble unzipping in Windows. If anyone else was having trouble give it a go now.


In Between Bike Rides

Posted Sometime in

I've been doing a lot of updating to the PowerSchool stuff.
If you are using any of the PS customizations on this site I suggest looking to see if it has been updated.
Some needed updates for PS 7.2.x. Some needed bug fixes.
One even got banished to (ominous voice) No Longer Supported.

Have you tried the new data validation functionality in PS 7.2? Very nicely done.


Drupal 7 DONE

Posted Sometime in

Well... it is an ongoing process. But NickTech.org now on Drupal version 7!
Guess it does not matter so much for all of you out in cyberspace (remember that term). I however am very excited.
Trying to get all of my sites upgraded to this version in preparation for my glorious Drupal workshop at this years ISTE Conference.
Perhaps I'll replace the Applescripts section of this site with a Drupal section. Don't seem to use Applescript as much anymore. Hmmmmm...