What is an SMTP address?

Posted Sometime in

Mailto links have been around forever. But just like RSS feeds, FTP downloads, and cookies (not a dessert) there is a large percentage of internet users that don't understand them.  So I created some custom PowerSchool pages to do away with all mailto links in the parent portal.

Class Rosters All Growns Up

Posted Sometime in

The Class Roster Auto-Loader has finally been updated to blend nice with PS version 7.  For those updating from the old version, you only need to replace the classrosters.html page. Your previous roster setups will work just the way they where.

Couple more PS 7 Updates

Posted Sometime in

If your using the List Students Auto-Loader and/or List Students in a New Window Powerschool customizations, they are now updated to blend in with version 7.

That cutie on the left. That is Zoe.
That donate button on the right. That is Zoe's college fund.
Nuf said.