Free Software Sunday!

Posted Sometime in
Added a bunch to the Freeware list. Check it!
  • Lazarus - My new favorite Firefox addon. Autosaves all form values.
  • @SSP - A simple, open source, anti-spam proxy.
  • LaTeXiT - For inserting proper equations into publications.
  • TrashMe - Properly uninstall Applications in OSX.
  • SchooHoo - Free email and text blasting for schools.
  • Spybot - Been using it forever to deter spyware in Windows.
  • DrawBerry - Vector based drawing program.
  • The Unarchiver - Picks up where OSX's Archive Utility leaves off.

T+L = Drupal

Posted Sometime in
Taking the show on the road again. This time to Phoenix Arizona for the T+L Conference. I and my merry band of misfits will be putting on another workshop on getting started with Drupal (the greatest content management system of all time).
If you happen to be going DROP ME A LINE because I don't know anyone in Phoenix. Scratch that, I do remember with great fondness the proprietor of a hostel I stayed at briefly when I was backpacking through that part of the country. Good times. Good times.

See you at ISTE

Posted Sometime in
Drop me a line if your going to this year's International Society for Technology in Education Conference. I'll be co-presenting a BYOL workshop called Drupal-icious: Getting started in dynamic school websites. If you are one of the participants (how cool is it that I have 'participants') thanks in advanced. You are truly a beutiful person and a maverick of the educational world.