PowerSchool + Google = Yeah, us too

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See my Zoe on the left?
That was her reaction when I told her daddy wrote a script so teachers can transfer student records from PowerTeacher into their Google contacts.
You too can shock unwitting children with the freshly minted Google Contacts Mover customization for PowerSchool.
Another tasty treat from my family to yours.

"You'll shoot your eye out." and other Login Notes

Posted Sometime in

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. My Zoe had to take a break every few presents because it was just too exciting.
Now I have a belated Xmas present for all of you (ie. anyone who reads this site... anyone... anyone). A new customization for PowerSchool that lets you easily add messages to the admin/teacher login screens and the parent portal header. I call it Login Notes and you can find in the PowerSchool tab.

Also, if your using the Illinois state version of my BIG Registration Screen I've updated it to work with the changes brought about by the 12/12/12 state reporting update. Specifically the home language, native language, and il_fer fields.

Forget family_rep's and come to DrupalCamp Chicago!

Posted Sometime in

Why worry about filling out those silly family_rep checkboxs in PowerSchool? Just go download my Instant Family Rep customization and be done with it. Then with all the time you've saved come to DrupalCamp Chicago (Saturday 11/10/12)! A fun filled day of drupal geeks teaching other drupal  geeks about drupal. At $21 a ticket (includes lunch) how could you not go!

Version 3 of the instant family_rep page has the following improvements:
- Now loads on it's own dedicated page to avoid slowing down the admin home page
- Takes twins/triplets/4sees into account
- Includes students with a blank home_phone